Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts must be submitted to the JRPMS at When submitting a manuscript, please suggest possible reviewers.
When recommending reviewers, authors should avoid naming more than one scientist from any one institution or from closely related scientists/institutions. For each reviewer, please provide name of institution, and e-mail address.
Manuscripts must be submitted as a DOC or DOCX file, and formatted in 12-point, Times New Roman font, doubled-spaced with margins of either 1 inch or 2.5 cm. The manuscript file may include tables and figure legends. Figures must be submitted separately (see “Figures” section below for more instruction). All manuscript pages must be numbered consecutively in the bottom right-hand corner, including references, tables, and figure legends.
Manuscripts should be prepared in the following format:
Title Page:
It should include the following:
The article title.
A short running title. A brief version of the title of your paper, no more than 70 characters long (including spaces).
The list of authors (first name, middle initial and last name of each author), and the complete name of the department and institution for each author. Affiliations should appear in numerical order at first mention.
Address, telephone number, fax number and E-mail address of the corresponding author.
Declaration of conflict of interest short statement. This will appear in the article's first page.
In addition, all authors are required to fill out the electronic ICMJE Conflict of Interest Declaration Form. The completed forms must be submitted along with the manuscript.
An abstract is required for original articles, case reports, review articles and perspective articles. The abstract of original articles should be written in a structured format using the following headings: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions. The abstracts of articles not presenting original data do not have to adhere to this format. Abstracts should be no more than 200 words long. Please avoid the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract text.
Key Words:
Five key words should be listed at the bottom of the abstract page.
The text of original articles (but not necessarily of other types of manuscripts) should be structured as follows:
Introduction: Should clearly and concisely review the rationale for the study and identify what issues were addressed in the study. It should clearly place the report within the area being studied. Do not repeat the results and conclusions in the Introduction.
Materials and Methods: This section should carefully describe the materials and methods used including sample size and statistical approaches. Commonly used techniques should not be described in detail but should be referred to citing appropriate references. However, unique experiments should be described in adequate detail to allow repetition by others. Please provide the manufacturer name of all products mentioned in the paper. It is not necessary to specify the geographical location of the manufacturer.
Results: This section should succinctly state the results without any lengthy discussion or interpretation of individual data. Statistical tests should be clearly defined and statistical significance should be shown in both figures and tables by superscripts of a, b, c, etc.
Discussion: This section should summarize but not repeat the Results. It should distinguish between logical explanations of the results reported and hypotheses drawn from the results. The Discussion should end with a succinct summary of the data and conclusions. Where possible and reasonable, some conclusion should be made about the wider implications of the study findings.
Authors should acknowledge in the manuscript all support for the work, including funding, equipment and drugs. Individuals should be acknowledged before institutions. The acknowledgement should specify the nature of the contribution of each individual or organisation that is mentioned in this section.
References should be listed consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. In the text, they should be indicated by upper case numbers. Use the Index Medicus reference style (see: "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals". N Engl J Med 1997;336:309-15). Accuracy of reference data is the responsibility of the authors.
Journal article: Fricke O, Schoenau E. Examining the developing skeletal muscle: Why, what and how? J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2005;5:225-31.
Chapter in book: Rittweger J. Physiological targets of artificial gravity: adaptive processes in bone. In: Clement G, Bukley A, editors. Artificial Gravity. Berlin: Springer; 2007. p. 191-231.
Book: Martin RB, Burr DB, Sharkey NA. Skeletal tissue Mechanics. New York: Springer; 1998.
Each table must be on a separate page in double spacing, numbered consecutively and have a title. All abbreviations should be defined in the legend. The table should be understandable independently of the text. Non-editable files (e.g. PDFs, JPEG or TIFF images, or images of text boxes in PowerPoint) are not suitable formats for tables. We recommend that you create your tables with the equivalent feature of 'Insert Table' in your word processing application.
Figures should be submitted close to publication size. Most figures will be set at single column width (approximately 8 cm). For the initial submission of a manuscript, Figures can be included in the Word or pdf document that also contains the other parts of the manuscript. For final submission, original figure files need to be submitted.
Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting digital art for publication:
Line art such as bar graphs, must be submitted in TIFF, PowerPoint or EPS format. The minimum resolution for line art is 900 dpi (dots per inch). Use clean black lines, preferably no finer than 1 point. For vector EPS images, embed fonts or convert to outlines.
Grayscale (black and white) or color figures must be submitted in TIFF, PowerPoint or EPS format. The minimum resolution is 300 dpi. For color art, please use the CMYK color scheme.
Figure legends:
A separate list of figure legends should be supplied at the end of the manuscript. Please submit figures that are close to publication size to insure that clarity and legibility will be maintained when the figure is reproduced. Figure legends should be brief and should not restate information that is already contained in the Materials and Methods section.
The authors must obtain permission to reproduce figures, tables, text, and abstracts from previously published material. Written permission must be obtained from the original copyright holder (generally the publisher or the sponsoring society, not the author) of the journal or book concerned. An appropriate credit line should be included in the figure legend or table footnote, and full publication information in the reference list. Written permission must be obtained from the author of any unpublished material cited from other laboratories, and should accompany the manuscript.