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JRPMS Vol 3, No 4, December 2019, p.123-128

doi: 10.22540/JRPMS-03-123


Review Article

Positive correlation of different bariatric surgery techniques with low back pain

Athanasios Galanis

  • Orthopaedics Department, General Hospital of Attika “KAT”, Athens, Greece

Keywords: Low back pain, Bariatric surgery, Obesity, Weight loss


Low back pain is considered a universal and frequent health problem that is closely and causally associated with obesity, a modern era epidemic. The increased mechanical load placed on the spine, the systemic chronic inflammation or the metabolic syndrome are some of the causes of low back pain detected in obese patients that are directly linked to obesity. The aim of this article is to present a mini review of the existing literature regarding the relation between low back pain and different bariatric surgeries which have been shown to be valid methods of weight loss. Several studies in last decade have advocated that weight loss resulting from bariatric surgeries is associated with a lessening in impairment and intenseness of low back pain. The need for further systematic reviews and prospective trials is evident in order to support the claims that bariatric surgeries may prove beneficial to low back pain.